
Showing posts from September, 2020

Walnut Creek Phototography Club Sponsors

 Walnut Creek Photo Club - Valued Sponsors It's always a journey when learning the art and craft of photography. There is so much to learn in terms of lighting, posing, composition, exposure, backgrounds, photoshop, post processing, editing, etc. The saying goes that it takes a village to help learn photography. It also takes a great deal of money to help pay for all the equipment like camera bodies, lenses, studio strobes, softboxes, tripods, etc.   The Walnut Creek Photo Club is a grass roots organization that would not exist without the generosity of our photography community sponsors. Our sponsors can not only help financially, with photo studio space near me, but also with the donation of their valuable time and expertise to help provide training to all our members. Lastly we also need to host networking events and are always looking for local studios to help host these events.  We want to sincerely thank the following Walnut Creek Photo Studios for their genero...
 Top Walnut Creek Photography Locations When practicing the art of photography some people struggle with picking the right subject matter. As residents of the Walnut Creek Area, we are very fortunate to have a diverse set of locations available for any type of photo study.  Many of these locations work well regardless if you are doing a portrait session, professional headshots , practicing macro photography, refining your Landscape photography work, or just getting to know your camera by photographing birds or other wildlife.  Here are just three of our Top Locations in Walnut Creek for Photo Shoots.  Heather Farm Park, 301 N. San Carlos Dr. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Heather Farm Park is an amazing location for portrait sessions, macro photography, and photographing wildlife. Heather Farm has both a man-made lake and a natural pond. Both have ducks that inhabit the water areas and also a number of other birds. Families and children are often playing in the area. If you ...